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The following videos are a part of the series, Developing a Sustainable Biomass Production System, a collection of short videos detailing the various aspects of research in the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. The following departments and researchers are involved in the logistics phase of the BRDI project.


About the Stinger Equipment

V.J. Blubaugh provides an overview of moving and stacking bales with Stinger equipment. The equipment was used during the BRDI project field research to move and stack switchgrass and sorghum bales. V.J. Blubaugh works for Stinger Inc. in Kansas. V.J. delivered and operated the Stinger equipment during this project.


AGCO Equipment

Ray Schmitt, AGCO Industries, discusses the partnership with this BRDI project and what they are doing to make sure agricultural equipment is ready for Oklahoma’s bioenergy crop production opportunities.


Bale Moisture Variability in Wrapped vs. Slitted Switchgrass Bailing

Elizabeth Miller discusses the research being conducted to understand moisture variability in bale storage differences in bales that are wrapped during storage. This is being conducted with the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Elizabeth Miller is a Research Engineer and graduate student conducting research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Baler Logistics Modeling

Elizabeth Miller discusses information about the logistics and modeling research being conducted with the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Elizabeth Miller is a Research Engineer and graduate student conducting research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Bioenergy Feedstocks Stored Ground Interactions

Mike Buser discusses information about the research of ground interactions in switchgrass and sorghum bales during storage. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Biomass Storage: Biomass Variability in Wrapped vs. Wrapped with Slits

Mike Buser discusses information about the moisture testing being conducted in biomass bales that are stored wrapped with slits and wrapped with no slits. This is being conducted with the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Biomass Storage Research

One of the research goals for this project is to figure out the best practices for storing biomass bales. During this video, Mike Buser discusses the types of storage methods being conducted with the BRDI project. This is being conducted with the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Conditioning and Bailing Sorghum

Mike Buser discusses information about the harvesting processes of conditioning and baling sorghum. Research is necessary in this area to develop the optimal sorghum plant type for biomass production and best management practices in the field for Oklahoma producers. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Coring Samples in Biomass Bales

Mike Buser discusses the way bale samples are collected in the field using a coring mechanism developed for this project that can be hand-held or mounted on a mule. This equipment was developed as part of the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Evaluation Changes in Biomass Quality of Stored Feedstocks

Mike Buser discusses information about the changes of biomass quality in switchgrass and sorghum bales during storage. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Forage Quality in Multiple Sorghum Harvests

Mike Buser discuses information about the difference in quality among multiple forage sorghum harvests. It will be important to optimize production at each phase of sorghum production in order to have a viable bioenergy market in Oklahoma. This research will provide sorghum plant specialist the information they need to develop the optimal plant for biomass production in Oklahoma. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Forage Sorghum In-field Measurements

Mike Buser explains the measurements taken from forage sorghum windrows to gather data for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Harvesting and Drying Forage Sorghum

Mike Buser discusses the importance of the efficiency of conditioner rollers and dry-down time during the process of harvesting forage sorghum. These research, development and practices were developed as part of the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Industry Partnerships with AGCO Industries and Stinger, Inc.

Mike Buser discusses information about the partnerships that have been formed as part of the logistics research for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


In-field Bale Sampling and Storage Studies

Mike Buser discusses the methods of collection and measurements taken from the field to gather data for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Measuring the Feedstock Quality

Mike Buser discusses information about measuring the quality of switchgrass and biomass sorghum bales during storage. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Mobile Scale / Weight Cart

Mike Buser discusses a mobile scale weight cart that was designed to be pulled behind a truck and would handle the bale with minimal damage and easy lifting. This cart was designed specifically for the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Moving and Stacking Bales with the Stinger

V.J. Blubaugh provides an overview of moving and stacking bales with Stinger equipment. This equipment was used during the BRDI project field research to move and stack switchgrass and sorghum bales. V.J. Blubaugh works for Stinger Inc. in Kansas. V.J. delivered and operated the Stinger equipment during this project.


Raking Forage Soghum

Mike Buser discusses information about the process of raking forage sorghum for biomass production. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Sampling Bales to Test Moisture Variability

Mike Buser discusses information about sampling switchgrass and sorghum bales for moisture variability during storage. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Stinger Logistics Model

Elizabeth Miller discusses information about the logistics and modeling research being conducted using Stinger equipment to move and wrap bales as a part of the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Elizabeth Miller is a Research Engineer and graduate student conducting research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Swatcher and Windorwer Logisitics Modeling

Elizabeth Miller discusses information about the swather and windrower logistics and modeling research being conducted as a part of the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Elizabeth Miller is a Research Engineer and graduate student conducting research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


The Importance of Researching Bale Moisture for the BRDI Project

Mike Buser discusses the importance of understanding bale moisture content in biomass bales. This research is being conducted as part of the Biomass Research and Development Initiative at Oklahoma State University. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Using the AGCO Prototype Baler

Mike Buser discusses information about the use of AGCO’s baler for switchgrass and sorghum harvesting, along with its research purposes. Mike Buser is an Associate Professor and Bioenergy Machinery Engineer leading the logistics research for this project from OSU’s Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.


Using the Stinger to Wrap Bales for Storage

V.J. Blubaugh provides an overview of wrapping bales with Stinger equipment. This equipment was used during the BRDI project field research to wrap switchgrass and sorghum bales for storage studies. V.J. Blubaugh works for Stinger Inc. in Kansas. V.J. delivered and operated the Stinger equipment during this project.

Funding provided by: USDA-NIFA, US DOE Biomass Research and Development Initiative, Grant No. 2009-10006-06070. Title: Sustainable Feedstock Production Supply Systems to Support Cellulosic Biorefinery Industries.

Video participants in this series include: Mike Buser, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State University; Elizabeth Miller, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma; State University; Gopal Kakani, Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University; Jason Warren, Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University; Tyson Ochsner, Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University; Yohannes Yimam, Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University; Jagadeesh Mosali, Agricultural Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation; V.J. Blubaugh, Stinger Inc.


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