North Central Research Station - Lahoma
The station is located in the heart of a key wheat producing area of the state from the standpoint of soil types, precipitation, temperature and elevation and thus wheat research is the focal point of the North Central Research Station.
Major research includes wheat breeding and variety development, soil fertility, weed science, soybean varieties and cropping systems, grain sorghum variety trials, plant pathology, and entomology.
Size and Location
The station consists of 143 acres and is located one mile west of Lahoma on Highway 60.
The station is located in the heart of a key wheat producing area of the state from
the standpoint of soil types, precipitation, temperature and elevation. Soils at this
location are representative of the northwest part of the Reddish Prairie Resource
area of Oklahoma with Pond Creek and Grant being the major soils. These soils are
well drained, deep, and moderately permeable. The Pond Creek silt loam occurs on nearly
level uplands (0-3% slope) while the Grant silt loam occurs on gently to moderately
sloping uplands (3-5% slope) and is very susceptible to erosion. The average annual
precipitation is 32.29 inches with an average summer high temperature of 93.6°F and
average winter temperature of 46°F. The elevation of the station is 1275 feet above
sea level.
Meet the Team
- Erich Wehrenberg
Senior Station Superintendent - David Victor
Field Supervisor