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Ag Research

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OSU's environmental and natural resource research covers a wide variety of areas from preserving plant and animal wildlife to preserving natural resources, such as water infrastructure and forests. This research contributes to conserving our natural resources while also educating the world on threats to our natural environment and what solutions can be offered to lessen such dangers.

Natural Resource Ecology and Management

Researchers in the Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management study a variety of invasive species and climate change topics that are relevant to either maintaining or restoring the health and sustainable function of agroecosystems, such as forests, animals and soil microbiomes.

In this department, researchers also study a variety of animal populations in the wild, such as black bears, turkeys and wild pigs as a means of determining how to preserve populations or protect landscapes against invasive species.

Oklahoma Water Resources Center

Through state and federal collaboration, the OWRC finds new solutions to the state's most critical water needs through research. Along with helping to preserve Oklahoma dams, the center joins animal scientists in researching topics like the impacts of cattle herds on water sources. They also work with soil scientists to study water conservation topics related to agricultural crops.
The center is part of a five-year project to develop new tools and guidelines for monitoring and preserving the structural integrity of the more than 4,700 dams in Oklahoma.

In other research

Not all OSU entomologists are focused on combating crop pests. Many of them research the potential beneficial properties of various insects like bees and beetles and the role certain plant life can play in expanding pests like ticks and mosquitoes. Research on insects, such as the American burying beetle, also study the benefits of human health and food conservation.
Biosystems engineers also play a part in the conservation of natural resources by joining various departments in research on water conservation and other factors.