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2021 Progress Made Possible Through Oklahoma Peanut Commission and National Peanut Board Support


  • Performance of runner varieties depended on location, but averages across locations
    in 2021 indicate that cultivar Lariat was the top entry in value per acre.
  • No significant differences in yield were seen among Spanish entries across locations
    and years, but the small-seeded runner-type cultivars AT98-99 and Span17 were the
    leaders in value per acre.
  • Significant differences were noted in Virginia entry yields across locations and years.
    Cultivars Contender, Comrade and ACI351 were the top performers for value per acre
    among those currently grown.

Peanut production in Oklahoma is generally located in three geographical regions across the state: southwest, west central and far west. Each region differs from the others in environmental and biological stressors that affect crop production, so the same peanut cultivar will likely perform differently in each growing region. Therefore, the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials are conducted in each region annually and are designed to test the performance of commonly grown cultivars and potential cultivar releases against each other. Results of these annual trials can serve as a guide for producers when choosing a cultivar to plant.



Variety Trial Methods

All entries (cultivars and advanced breeding lines) in the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials
were high-oleic with the exception of the Virginia-type cultivar Jupiter. The following entries were included in all locations in 2021: 16 runner types: Cultivars ACI080, ACI476, ACI3321 and Lariat and breeding lines ARSOK R90-12, ARSOK R91-2, ARSOK R92-13, ARSOK R93-1, ARSOK R93-10, ARSOK R94-4, ARSOK 95-1, ARSOK R96-7, ARSOK R96-8, ARSOK R106-1L, ARSOK R106-9L, ARSOK R107-2L and ARSOK R109-1L; 12 Spanish types: Cultivars AT98-99, OLé, Tamnut OL06, Schubert and Span17, and breeding lines ARSOK S88-2, ARSOK S96-5, ARSOK S104-2E, ARSOK S104-3E, ARSOK S105-2E, ARSOK S105-3E and ARSOK S105-4E; 12 Virginia types: Cultivars ACI351, Comrade, Contender and Jupiter, and breeding lines ARSOK V-98, ARSOK V99, ARSOK V100-1, ARSOK V100-2, ARSOK V101-1, ARSOK V103-1, ARSOK V103-4 and ARSOK V103-5.


All variety trials were conducted under an extensive pest management program. The
objective was to prevent as much outside influence from pest pressures (weed, disease and insect) on yield and grade as possible. The interaction between variety and location was significant so the results were separated by location. Averages across locations and years were included to give producers a better estimate of line performance. Since the varieties and advanced lines responses differed by location, growers may find the data for the county closest to their location to be the most useful in selecting a variety or varieties to grow. All test plots were planted using two 36-inch rows that were 15 feet long. Plots were seeded at a rate of 5 seeds/row foot (139,392 seeds/A). Trials were conducted using randomized, complete block design with four replications. The entire plot was dug then thrashed two to three days later. Peanuts were placed in a dryer until moisture reached 10%. Percent total sound mature kernels (% TSMK) were determined on a 200 g sample from each plot. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significance were analyzed through the statistical analysis system (SAS, ver. 9.1).

Value/acre was determined by converting estimated plot yields to tons/acre and using the 2021 contract price values for each market-type ($575 for runner types; $600 for Spanish and Virginia types). No adjustments were made for damaged kernels or concealed damage. Virginia $/A values may be underestimated, as grade is not as large a factor for in-shell peanuts and the ELK bonus was not added in the final value/A figure. Calculations of $/A are based on yield and grade only and do not include possible input costs. The following formula was used: $/A = yield (tons/A)*contract price ($/ton)*grade.


Interpreting Data

Least significant differences (LSD) are listed at the bottom of all but the performance
summary tables. Differences between varieties are significant only if they are equal to or greater than the LSD value. If a given variety out yields another variety by as much or more than the LSD value, then we are 95% sure the yield difference is real with only a 5% probability the difference is due to chance alone. For example, if variety X is 500 lbs./A higher in yield than variety Y, then this difference is statistically significant if the LSD is 500 or less. If the LSD is 500 or greater, then we are less confident that variety X really is higher yielding than variety Y under the conditions of the test.

The coefficient of variation (CV) value listed at the bottom of each table is used to measure the precision of the experiment. Lower CV values will generally relate to lower experimental error in the trial. Uncontrollable or immeasurable variations in soil fertility, soil drainage and other environmental factors contribute to greater experimental error and higher CV values. Results reported here should be representative of what might occur throughout the state but would be most applicable under environmental management conditions similar to those of the trials. The relative yields of all peanut varieties are affected by crop management and by environmental factors, including soil type, summer conditions, soil moisture, disease and insects.


2021 Caddo County Variety Trial

Location: Ft. Cobb, Oklahoma (Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station)
Date Planted: May 7, 2021
Date Dug: Oct. 15, 2021
Date Threshed: Oct. 18, 2021


The trial was planted into a conventional till seedbed was used and managed for foliar and soil-borne disease throughout the season. Average yield for the runner test was 5,043 lbs./A and average grade was 72% TSMK (Table 1) with entries Lariat, ACI476 and several breeding lines having higher yields compared to other genotypes tested. Both average yield and grade were higher for most entries than in recent past years.

Among the Spanish entries tested, the average yield and grade were 3,956 lbs./A and 68% TSMK, respectively. In Caddo County, statistical differences among entries were reported for yield with all cultivars except Tamnut OL06 being among the top performers. ARSOK S88-2 was the top yielding breeding line at 4,195 lbs./A. The small-seeded runner growth habit cultivars AT98-99 and Span17 are expected to have higher yields and grades, both grading highest at 69% and 71% TSMK, respectively.

Entries in the Virginia test averaged 4,615 lbs./A with an average grade of 70% TSMK.
Statistical differences were reported for yield and grade. Contender was the top yielder
but was statistically indistinguishable from several other cultivars and breeding lines. All breeding lines tested, with the exception of ARSOK V98, ARSOK V100-2 and ARSOK V103-5, yielded well and were not statistically different that the cultivars tested.

Table 5 contains Caddo County yield and grade data averaged across 2020-2021. Average yield among runner entries for the two-year period was 4,818 lbs./A, while the average grade was 71% TSMK. No significant differences in yield were reported for runner entries over the two-year period. For Spanish entries, significant differences in yield were reported over the two years. Numerically, the small-seeded runner cultivars AT98-99 and Span17 were the top yielders, averaging 4,596 and 4,669 lbs./A., respectively, but the two were statistically not different from cultivars OLé and Schubert. The average yield for Virginia entries in 2020-2021 was 4,716 lbs./A, and statistical differences in yield were seen among entries. The top yielding cultivars were Jupiter, Comrade, Contender and ACI351. Several breeding lines were not statistically different from the best performing cultivars with respect to yield, grade and seed size.


2021 Custer County Variety Trial

Location: Weatherford, Oklahoma (Les Crall Farms)
Date Planted: May 3, 2021
Date Dug: Oct. 1, 2021
Date Threshed: Oct. 6, 2021


The trial was planted into a conventional till seedbed and managed for weeds as well as
foliar and soil-borne disease throughout the season. Yields for the Custer County trial were exceptional for all market-types compared to past years. The average yield for the runner test (Table 2) was 5,695 lbs./A with an average grade of 67% TSMK. Statistical differences for yield and grade were reported, but the top yielding cultivars were statistically similar, all exceeding 6,000 lbs./A. Several breeding lines also approached or exceeded yields attained by the cultivars tested.

Among Spanish entries, small-seeded runner cultivar AT98-99 yielded similar to runner
cultivars at 6,259 lbs./A. The trial averaged 4,655 lbs./A and 68% TSMK. Cultivar Span17 was also a top yielder at 4,586 lbs./A, and among breeding lines, ARSOK S96-5 had the highest yield at 5,066 lbs./A.


Virginia entries averaged 5,251 lbs./A and a grade of 66% TSMK. Slight significant differences in yield were noted among entries. Cultivar Jupiter and breeding line ARSOK V101-1 had the highest yields at 6,405 and 5,921 lbs./A, respectively. Grade differences were significant among entries and ranged from 63% to 68% TSMK.


Table 6 contains 2020-2021 two-year averages in Custer County. Statistical differences were seen among runner entries for yield with the average yield being 5,123 lbs./A. and the average grade being 68% TSMK. Among runner entries, cultivar Lariat was numerically the highest in average yield at 5,755 lbs./A. Breeding line ARSOK R96-7 had the lowest average yield over the two-year period at 4,480 lbs./A.

Significant differences were seen among Spanish entries over the two-year period where the average yield was 4,503 lbs./A and average grade was 67% TSMK. As is expected by small-seeded runner type plants, yields were highest for cultivars AT98-99 and Span17, which averaged 5,177 and 5,130 lbs./A, respectively. Cultivar Tamnut OL06 had the lowest average yield at 3,709 lbs./A.

Statistical differences were also reported for Virginia-type entries in 2020-2021 for an
average yield of 4,874 lbs./A for the trial period. Differences in grade were also among
entries, averaging 66% TSMK. Numerically, Contender was the top yielder at 5,624 lbs./A. The top yielding breeding line was ARSOK V101-1 at 5,346 lbs./A.


2021 Love County Variety Trial

Location: Thackerville, Oklahoma (Anthony Reed Farms)
Date Planted: May 10, 2021
Date Dug: Sept. 30, 2021
Date Threshed: Oct. 4, 2021


The trial was planted into a conventional till seedbed and managed for foliar and soil-borne disease throughout the season. Weed management of this trial location proved difficult in 2021 and resulted in lower yields across market-types. Table 3 shows the 2021 yield and grade data from Love County. Statistical differences were seen among entries. Average yield and grade for the runner test was 3,020 lbs./A and 68% TSMK, both of which were considerably lower than in 2020. ACI080 had the highest yield among cultivars tested in the trial at 3,388 lbs./A, while ARSOK R106-9L was the best yielder among breeding lines at 3,533 lbs./A.


Spanish entry performance was also severely below normal in Love County for 2021 with the average yield being 2,095 lbs./A and an average grade of 66% TSMK. Cultivar Span17 was the highest in yield at only 2,791 lbs./A and a grade of 69% TMSK. Breeding line ARSOK S104-3E was poorest in yield at 1,452 lbs./A and a grade of 65% TMSK. Grades were unusually low for the Spanish trial, averaging 60-69% TSMK.

Average yield and grade in the Virginia-type test was below average at 3,080 lbs./A and 62% TSMK. The top yielder was breeding line Contender at 3,614 lbs./A and a grade of 66% TSMK. Grades of Virginia-type entries ranged from 59-70% TSMK, and statistical differences among entries were found.

Table 7 lists the average results from Love County over a two-year period (2020-2021). No statistical differences in yield were reported for runner entries, which averaged 4,014 lbs./A. Numerically, the highest yielder was breeding line ARSOK R91-2 at 4,485 lbs./A. Grades over the two-year period ranged from 65-73% TSMK, averaging 70% TSMK.

The average yield for Spanish entries for 2020-2021 was 3,323 lbs./A, but no statistically significant differences were noted among entries. Spanish grades averaged 64-70% TSMK. The small-seeded runner cultivars AT98-99 and Span17 both had the numerically highest yields at 3,831 and 3,945 lbs./A, and averaged grades of 69% and 70% TSMK, respectively.

Average statistical differences in yield were not reported among Virginia-type entries, but the two-year average for Love County was 3,955 lbs./A. Among cultivars tested, Contender was numerically the highest at 4,259 lbs./A., and ARSOK V101-1 was the top yielding breeding line.


Performance Across Locations

Table 4 includes Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials yield and grade data averaged across
locations for 2021. Statistical differences for yield were not reported for runner types but were seen for Spanish and Virginia types. Among the runner types tested, cultivar ACI3321 had the highest yield at 5,092 lbs./A, but all cultivars tested had yields within 312 lbs. of each other. Yields were similar when compared to years past (4,586 lbs./A in 2021 compared to 4,749 lbs./A in 2020), despite the below average yields reported in 2021 for the Thackerville location. The same is true for average grades in 2021 (69% TSMK) compared to those in 2020 (69% TSMK). The top average yielding Spanish entry across locations was AT98-99 at 4,673 lbs./A. With the exception of Tamnut OL06, all cultivars tested were similar in yield. Across locations in 2021, the top yielding Virginia-type cultivars were Contender and Jupiter at 4,829 and 5,012 lbs./A, respectively. The top breeding line was ARSOK V101-1, which averaged 4,651 lbs./A.


Table 8 shows results from the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials averaged across location and over two years (2020-2021). Averaged over years and across locations, the top performing runner entry was Lariat with a yield of 4,919 lbs./A. Average yields for all runner types tested were not statistically different with the exception of ARSOK R96-8, which performed the poorest, averaging 4,206 lbs./A. Among the Spanish entries, the small-seeded runner-types AT98-99 and Span17 yielded highest at 4,535 and 4,581 lbs./A, respectively. Significant differences in yield were found among Virginia entries across years and locations with Contender averaging the highest yield (numerically) at 4,977 lbs./A. Cultivars Jupiter, Contender, Comrade and ACI351 were not statistically different from each other or from breeding lines ARSOK V99, ARSOK V101-1 or ARSOK V103-1.



Special thanks to Lisa Myers and Angie Harting for technical support and to Bobby
Weidenmaier, Harley Houston and Brennan Leighton at the Caddo Research Station for location support. Thanks also to farmer cooperators Les Crall and Anthony Reed.

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