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2023 Progress Made Possible Through Oklahoma Peanut Commission and National Peanut Board Support

  • Performance of runner entries varied, but averages across locations in 2023 indicated that cultivars ACI 3321 and Lariat were the top entries in yield and value per acre.
  • The small-seeded runner types marketed as Spanish (AT9899andSpan17) were the leading cultivars in value per acre among the Spanish trial entries. Among the true Spanish entries, cultivar OLé and breeding line ARSOK S104-2E yielded best at 4,745 and 4,898 pounds per acre.
  • Valencia cultivars and breeding lines performed well across locations, indicating this market type may be a good fit for production in Oklahoma.
  • Significant differences were not noted in Virginia entry yields across locations and years. Cultivar Comrade was consistently the top performer for yield and value per ac


Peanut production in Oklahoma is generally located in three geographical regions: southwestern, west-central and northwest. Each region differs from the others in environmental and biological stressors that affect crop production, so the same peanut cultivar will likely perform differently in each growing region. Therefore, the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials are conducted in each region annually and are designed to test the performance of commonly grown cultivars and potential cultivar releases against each other. In 2023, Valencia breeding lines and cultivars were added as trial entries due to industry interest in growing this market type in the state. Also included in the trial are several small-seeded runner lines or cultivars that are intended to be marketed as Spanish peanuts. These entries are noted as small-seeded runners in trial data tables. Like in 2022, the 2023 growing season was unusually hot with temperatures above 100 °F for part of July without any rainfall or relief. However, the crop did not suffer as severely as in 2022, showing less of a split in maturity. The results of these annual trials can serve as a guide for producers when choosing a cultivar to plant.


Variety Trial Methods

All entries (cultivars and advanced breeding lines) in the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials were high-oleic. The following entries were included in all locations in 2023:

  • 8 runner types: cultivars ACI 080, ACI 476, ACI 509, ACI 3321, and Lariat and breeding lines ARSOK 95-1, ARSOK R106-9L and ARSOK R109-1L
  • 8 true Spanish types: cultivars OLé and Schubert and breeding lines ARSOK S104-2E, ARSOK S104-3E, ARSOK S105-3E and ARSOK S105-4E
  • 4 small-seeded runner types (marketed as Spanish): Cultivars AT9899 and Span17 and breeding lines ARSOK S95-1 and ARSOK S107-1L
  • 5 true Valencia types: Cultivar TamVal14 and New Mexico State University breeding lines NM310, NMKC5, NMM6 and NMPR25
  • 1 small-seeded runner type (marketed as Valencia): IPG 1288
  • 8 Virginia types: Cultivars Bailey II, Comrade, and Emery and breeding lines ARSOK V-98, ARSOK V99, ARSOK V102-5, ARSOK V103-1 and ARSOK V103-3

All variety trials were conducted under an extensive pest management program. The objective was to prevent as much outside influence from pest pressures (weeds, disease and insects) on yield and grade as possible. The interaction between variety and location was significant, so the results were separated by location. Averages across locations and years were included to give producers a better estimate of line performance. Since the varieties and advanced line responses differed by location, growers may find the data for the county closestto their location to be the most useful in selecting a variety or varieties to grow. Due to space limitations, a reduced number of runner and Virginia entries were included in the Davidson, Oklahoma, location. All test plots were planted using two 36-inch rows that were 15 feet long. Plots were seeded at a rate of 5 seeds/row foot (139,392 seeds/A). Trials were conducted using a randomized, complete block design with four replications. The entire plot was dug and then thrashed two to three days later. Peanuts were placed in a dryer until moisture reached 10%. The percentage of total sound mature kernels (% TSMK) was determined on a 200-gram sample from each plot.


Analysis of variance procedures were used to assess the effect of variety on the multiple response variables. SAS Version 9.4 (PROC MIXED) was used to conduct the analysis. Statistical significance was determined by market type, with Spanish and Valencia types being analyzed together. A randomized complete block design was used, and block is specified as a random effect in the model. Post-hoc comparisons using Tukey adjustments are reported when the overall variety effect is significant in the analysis of variance. Two means reported with the same letter are not significantly different at the 0.05 level.


Means for all observations were calculated for each entry and the overall trial. Suppose a given variety outyields another variety by as much or more than the standard error value. In that case, we are 95% sure the,yield difference is real, with only a 5% probability the difference is due to chance alone. Results reported heremshould be representative of what might occur throughout the state but would be most applicable under environmental management conditions like those of the trials. The relative yields of all peanut varieties are affected by crop management and environmental factors, including soil type, summer conditions, soil moisture, disease, and insects. Value/acre was determined by converting estimated plot yields to tons/acre and using the 2023 contract price values for each market type ($675 for runner types, $700 for Spanish and Virginia types, and $950 for Valencia types). No adjustments were made for damaged kernels or concealed damage. Virginia $/A values may be underestimated as grade is not as large a factor for in-shell peanuts, and the extra-large kernels (ELK) bonus was not added to the final value/acre figure. Calculations of $/A are based on yield and grade only and do not include possible input costs. The following formula was used: $/A = yield (tons/A)*contract price ($/ton)*grade.


2023 Caddo County Peanut Variety Trial

Information Data
Location: May 17, 2023
Dig Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: September 9, 2023
Runner/Virginia: October 16, 2023
Thresh Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: October 2, 2023
Runner/Virginia October 19, 2023

The trial was planted on May 17, 2023. Two digging dates were used based on entry market type. A conventional till seedbed was used and managed for foliar and soil-borne disease throughout the season. The average yield for the runner test was 4,071 lbs/A, and the average grade was 74% TSMK (Table 1). In general, grades were normal and not affected by the extremely hot summer. Entries ACI 080, ACI 3321, ACI 476 and Lariat had higher yields than other genotypes tested. Despite the extreme heat experienced in the 2023 growing season, yields were higher for most entries than in past years.


Among the Spanish and Valencia-type entries tested, the average yield and grade were 3,748 lbs/A and 66%,TSMK, respectively. In Caddo County, statistical differences among entries were reported for yield. For truemSpanish types, breeding line ARSOK S104-3E had the highest yield numerically at 4,122 lbs/A, but this was not significantly different than yields for several other lines or the cultivar OLé. Due to differences in growth habits between runner and Spanish-type peanut plants, small-seeded runners (marketed as Spanish) normally have a slightly higher yield than traditional Spanish. Among the true Valencia-type entries, NMPR25 and TamVal14  had the highest yields at 3,490 and 3,071 lbs/A, respectively. Entry IPG 1288, a small-seeded runner marketed as a Valencia type, had the highest overall yield at 4,592 lbs/A and the highest value per acre at $1,396.


Entries in the Virginia test yielded lower than in past years, averaging 3,079 lbs/A with an average grade of 63% TSMK. Statistical differences were reported for yield and grade. Breeding line ARSOK V103-1 was the top yielder at 3,538 lbs/A but was statistically indistinguishable from cultivars Comrade at 3,479 lbs/A and Emery at 3,465 lbs/A.


Table 5 contains yield and grade data averaged across 2022-2023 for the Caddo County trial. Not all entries included in the 2023 trial were included in 2022. The average yield among runner entries for the two years was 4,952 lbs/A, and the average grade was 71% TSMK. Significant differences in yield were reported for runner entries over the two-year period. For Spanish entries, significant differences in yield were also observed. As expected, the small-seeded runner cultivars, AT9899 and Span17, were the top yielders, averaging 4,838 and 5,164 lbs/A., respectively. Cultivars OLé and Schubert averaged 4,638 and 4,237 lbs/A, respectively. The average yield for Virginia entries in 2022-2023 was 4,474 lbs/A, and statistical differences in yield were seen among entries. The top-yielding cultivar was Comrade at 4,990 lbs/A.


2023 Blaine County Variety Trial

Information Data
Location: Hydro (Schantz Farms)
Date Planted: May 15, 2023
Dig Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: October 2, 2023
Runner/Virginia: October 17, 2023
Thresh Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: October 6, 2023
Runner/Virginia: October 20, 2023

The trial was planted on May 15, 2023, into a conventional till seedbed and managed for weeds as well as foliar and soil-borne diseases throughout the season. Heavy rains and cool weather after planting resulted in a slow start for this trial. However, at the end of the growing season, this trial location proved to be the top performer for 2023. The average yield for the runner test (Table 2) was 6,548 lbs/A with an average grade of 73% TSMK. Statistical differences for yield and grade were reported, but the top-yielding cultivar was Lariat at 7,275 lbs/A. Breeding line ARSOK R109-1L also performed exceptionally well, yielding 7,088 lbs/A. For all entries, yields and grades were generally above normal.


Similar results were seen for the Spanish and Valencia entries at this location. For the true Spanish-type entries, cultivar OLé yielded 4,890 lbs/A, and breeding lines ARSOK S104-2E, ARSOK S104-3E and ARSOK S105-3E all had exceptional yields at 5,273, 5,591 and 5,057 lbs/A. Among small-seeded runners to be marketed as Spanish, cultivar Span17 was the top yielder at 6,568 lbs/A, but breeding line ARSOK S107-1L was impressive, yielding 5,953 lbs/A. The trial averaged 5,005 lbs/A and 64% TSMK.


Valencia entries also did well at this location. Entries TamVal14 and NMPR25 were exceptional, yielding 4,689 and 4,569 lbs/A, respectively. Small-seeded runner (marketed as a Valencia) IPG 1288 yielded 5,774 lbs/A with a grade of 71% TSMK.


Virginia entries averaged 6,706 lbs/A and a grade of 68% TSMK, which was much higher than in previous years. Cultivar Comrade topped the group, yielding 7,703 lbs/A with a grade of 70% TSMK. Breeding lines ARSOK V103-1 and ARSOK V103-3 also yielded well, each just over 6,800 lbs/A. No two-year averages were calculated since no trial was held in this location in 2022.


2023 Tillman County Variety Trial

Information Data
Location: Davidson (Joe. D. White Farms)
Date Planted: May 7, 2023
Dig Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: October 9, 2023
Runner/Virginia October 17, 2023
Thresh Date:  
Spanish/Valencia: October 12, 2023
Runner/Virginia October 20, 2023


The trial was planted on May 17, 2023, into a conventional till seedbed and managed for foliar and soilborne diseases throughout the season. Table 3 shows the 2023 yield and grade data from Tillman County. Overall, yields were average, considering the stress of the growing season. Statistical differences were seen among entries. The average yield and grade for the runner test was 5,178 lbs/A and 73% TSMK. ACI 3321 had the highest yield among cultivars tested in the trial at 5,661 lbs/A, followed by Lariat at 5,318 lbs/A. Due to space limitations, ARS breeding lines were not included at this location.


Spanish and Valencia entries performed well in Tillman County in 2023 with the average yield being 4,541 lbs/A and an average grade of 66% TSMK. For the true Spanish type entries, cultivar OLé and breeding line ARSOK S104-2E yielded best at 5,300 and 5,348 lbs/A. Small-seeded runner breeding line IPG 1288 performed exceptionally well, yielding 5,868 lbs/A, which was similar to cultivar Span17 at 5,813 lbs/A.


The average yield and grade for Virginia-type entries were average for Tillman County at 5,260 lbs/A and 68% TSMK. Due to space limitations, Virginia breeding lines were not included at this location. Significant differences in yield were not reported.


Table 6 contains yield and grade data averaged across 2022-2023 for the Tillman County trial. Not all entries included in the 2023 trial were included in the 2022 trial. The average yield among runner entries for the two years was 6,096 lbs/A, and the average grade was 73% TSMK. Significant differences in yield were reported for runner entries over the two years, and cultivar Lariat was the top yielder at 6,452 lbs/A. For Spanish entries, significant differences in yield were also observed. As expected, the small-seeded runner cultivar Span17 was the top yielder, averaging 6,429 lbs/A. True Spanish cultivars OLé and Schubert averaged 6,277 and 5,284 lbs/A, respectively. The average yield for Spanish entries in 2022-2023 was 5,743 lbs/A. No data for Virginia entries was averaged over the two years due to a lack of common entries.



Performance Across Locations

Table 4 includes Oklahoma Variety Trial yield and grade data averaged across locations for 2023. Statistical differences for yield were reported for runner and Spanish/Valencia entries but not for Virginia entries. Among the runner types tested, cultivars ACI 3321 and Lariat had the highest yields at 5,761 and 5,448 lbs/A, respectively. Yields were similar when compared to years past, despite the extreme weather experienced in both years. On average, the top yielding small-seeded runner entry was Span17 at 5,453 lbs/A, and the top true Spanish entry was cultivar OLé at 4,745 lbs/A. Among the true Valencia entries, NMPR25 yielded the best at 4,088 lbs/A. Across locations, the Virginia-type cultivars performed similarly with no significant differences in yield noted. Cultivar Comrade had the top yield at 5,511 lbs/A.


Table 7 shows results from the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial common entries averaged across locations (Caddo and Tillman counties) for two years (2022-2023). Averaged over the years and across locations, the runner cultivars tested were not significantly different. The mean yield for runner-type entries was 5,587 lbs/A. Among the Spanish entries, the mean yield was 5,126 lbs/A with the small-seeded runner-types Span17 and AT9899 yielding the highest at 5,797 and 5,484 lbs/A, respectively. The poorest average yield for Spanish entries was Schubert at 4,760 lbs/A. No data for Virginia entries was averaged over the two years due to a lack of common entries.



Special thanks to Lyndsey Aguirre, Angie Harting, Amna Dar, Kyren Bunyard and Macy Koch of the USDA ARS for technical support and to Bobby Weidenmaier, Harley Houston and Brennan Leighton at the Caddo Research Station for location support. Thanks also to farmer cooperators Merlin Schantz and Joe D. White.


This research is supported by USDA-ARS Current Research Information System (CRIS) Project No. 3072- 21220-009-00D, the Oklahoma Peanut Commission, the National Peanut Board and OSU Ag Research. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



  • Table 1 - Agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the 2023 Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial. Location: Caddo Research Station in Fort Cobb.6
  • Table 2. Agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the 2023 Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial. Location: Shantz Farms in Hydro.6
  • Table 3. Agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the 2023 Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial. Location: White Farms in Davidson.6
  • Table 4. Agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries averaged across all locations in the 2023 Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial.6
  • Table 5. Two-year average (2022-2023) of agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial. Location: Caddo Research Station in Fort Cobb.6
  • Table 6. Two-year average (2022-2023) of agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trial. Location: White Farms in Davidson.6
  • Table 7. Two-year average (2022-2023) of agronomic and shelling characteristics for entries in the Oklahoma Peanut Variety Trials across all locations (Fort Cobb and Davidson).6