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Learn about the different varieties of wheat below.

  • Deliver

    Deliver is an awnless wheat released in 2004 by OAES and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Deliver's pedigree is Yantar, a Bulgarian cultivar, as well as Chisholm and Karl.

    Deliver is intermediate in plant height and is about the same height as 2174. Heading date is comparable to 2174 and Ok102 but a few days later than Ok101 and Jagger.  It is moderately susceptible to lodging similar to Jagger and Cutter.  Deliver is not well adapted to critically low soil pH.


    Deliver is resistant to leaf rust (in adult plants), stripe rust, and wheat soilborne mosaic and moderately resistant to septoria leaf and glume blotch. It is moderately susceptible to tan spot and wheat streak mosaic virus. Kernel size has been large and consistent (determined by the weight of kernels retained on a No. 7 screen).


    North-central Oklahoma is the primary area of adaptation spreading to southwestern and northwestern Oklahoma as secondary areas. Deliver may be recommended for a dual-purpose system, a grain-only system or a hay-production system.


    U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994 and Title V) - to be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed.

  • Endurance

    The OAES released Endurance in 2004. Its pedigree is a Pioneer breeding line, TAM 105, Siouxland and 2180.


    Endurance is a moderately tall semidwarf averaging 34 inches. The variety reaches heading at the same time as Ok102 and 2174 (approximately two days later than Ok101 and three days later than Jagger). It has intermediate or slightly below average test weight.


    Endurance is tolerant to very tolerant to low pH conditions and has intermediate to moderately good straw strength. It is moderately resistant to leaf rust (in adult plants) and stem rust, intermediate resistance to stripe rust and fusarium head blight.  Endurance is moderately susceptible to septoria and tan spot and susceptible to powdery mildew.


    The area of adaptation is Oklahoma and points northward. Endurance will likely appeal to dual-purpose and grain-only producers alike.


    U.S. Protected Variety (PVPA 1994 and Title V) - to be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed.

  • Triumph 64

    Triumph 64 was developed by a private plant breeder, Mr. Joseph Danne, El Reno, Oklahoma, and released by him in 1948 or 1949 as Rust Resistant Triumph. It was discovered to be susceptible to rust and approved for release by Oklahoma State University in 1964 as Triumph 64. It is superior to Triumph in yield and test weight, but is similar to Triumph in all other agronomic characteristics.

The following varieties are licensed to  Oklahoma Genetics, Inc. OGI is a farmer nonprofit that distributes pedigreed seed to producers in Oklahoma and surrounding states. Producers must be members of OGI in order to purchase foundation seed for OGI varieties. All OGI Varieties are under PVP and the Clearfield Varieties also have a patent. Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited - To Be Sold By Variety Name Only As A Class of Certified Seed - U.S. Protected Variety - (1994 PVPA and Title V). Learn more about OGI varieties below.


  • Baker's Ann

    A premium-quality wheat variety well suited for quality-based contracted production at a yield potential comparable to Green Hammer and Showdown. Baker's Ann produces smaller seed than Gallagher (similar to Iba) at about one-half point higher wheat protein, and qualitatively stronger dough to the degree Wheat Quality Council has classified this variety as a good blending wheat to correct for poor strength elsewhere. Baker's Ann exhibits very strong resistance to stripe rust across a wide geography, though resistance to leaf rust may need to be bolstered with a fungicide application. It will fit best in the Oklahoma panhandle and north central Oklahoma, and originates from the cross, TAM 303 sister/Billings. Owing to its Texas parentage, Baker's Ann will carry the brand of GrazenGrain® but will carve a greater reputation​ under the banner of premium quality. GrazenGrain®, GoldnGrain®

  • Big Country

    High quality HW beardless; top tier yield and disease protection.

  • Breakthrough

    Good wheat streak mosaic resistance; best yield / test weight / quality package with WSM-R.


    Learn more from the Breakthrough flyer.

  • Butler's Gold

    High protein / functionality / test weight; suited for late planting and early harvest. GoldnGrain®


    Learn more from the Butler's Gold flyer.

  • Doublestop CL+

    Doublestop CL Plus was released in 2013. The wheat variety has a wide area of adaptation, is late to first hollow stem and possesses a late maturity that is about the same as Endurance. Strengths of Doublestop CL Plus include excellent test weight with good protein content and quality; yield stability across a wide range of environments, including drought-stressed and high-yield systems; good acid soil tolerance, and good milling and baking characteristics. The variety is resistant to wheat soilborne mosaic virus but exhibits inconsistent resistance to wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. It is moderately resistant to leaf rust, stripe rust and barley yellow dwarf.


    Doublestop is a two-gene Clearfield wheat variety that offers improved control of problem weeds such as feral rye and jointed goatgrass. The Clearfield system is a non-genetically modified crop herbicide tolerance technology and not a genetically modified organism (GMO). As the name implies, two-gene Clearfield wheat varieties have two copies of the gene that confers resistance to imidazolinone herbicides. Two-gene technology in wheat provides the option of adding 1 percent v/v methylated seed oil (MSO) to the spray solution (1 gallon of oil per 100 gallons of water).


    Learn more from the  Doublestop CL Plus flyer.

  • Gallagher

    OSU’s Gallagher wheat variety boasts Duster parentage and forage production with improved yield and disease resistance. Gallagher is an early maturing variety with good grazing tolerance, and exhibits an approximate 15 percent increase in seed size over Duster. It is resistant to leaf rust and strip rust, wheat soilborne mosaic virus and wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. In addition, Gallagher is moderately resistant to tan spot and barley yellow dwarf. The variety is also septoria leaf blotch resistant for no-till and high-residue systems.


    Gallagher exhibits an acid soil tolerance comparable to Duster, is Hessian fly resistant and has the ability to exceed 12 percent grain protein with adequate fertilization. It has good stay green and shattering tolerance characteristics, with above average baking and milling characteristics.

    The wheat variety is well suited for Oklahoma operations, with the exception of those in the Panhandle, which is considered a secondary area of adaptation.


    Learn more from the Gallagher fact sheet and the Gallagher Smith's Gold flyer.

  • Green Hammer

    Offers a critical yield protection advantage that could call for lower input costs.  It carries a highly effective level of dual resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust, thus often neutralizing the positive effect of a fungicide application based on trials in Oklahoma and Kansas.  Protein content has averaged about a point higher than Gallagher at a similar test weight level.  Altogether, Green Hammer is considered OSU's best offering at this time for combining disease and Hessian fly resistance, protein content (and protein quality), and test weight into one variety.  Its region of adaptation is centered on southwest, central and north central Oklahoma. Green Hammer is a progeny of the three-way cross, OK Bullet/TAM 303 sister//Shocker. Note that TAM 303 was one of the two parents of Bentley. Green Hammer will be marketed under the GrazenGrain®, GoldnGrain® brand.


    Learn more from the Green Hammer flyer.

  • High Cotton

    This experimental line grabbed my attention right out of the yield-testing gate, ranking first or second among 40 lines in breeding trials in all years except one in the past five (2018-2022). High Cotton has pushed the edge of the yield envelope.


    Learn more from the High Cotton flyer.

  • OK Corral

    OK Corral sets a new beardless standard by offering exceptional grain yield potential with excellent bread baking quality.  Due to its wide range of optimal economic uses and wide adaptability, OK Corral is positioned throughout the southern Plains, including situations subject to moderate aluminum toxicity and soil acidity (pH greater than 4.8) and to Hessian fly infestations.

    Test weight on OK Corral may be optimized in more western locations including the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, though it is sensitive to stem rust and likely susceptible to wheat streak mosaic.

    Strengths include:  Versatility from grain only to forage only; pasture establishment and grazing tolerance; and balance of dough strength/extensibility; low PPO.

    Weaknesses include:  Recovery from multiple spring freezes; early, severe infections of leaf rust; and grain yield may benefit from higher seeding rate. GrazenGrain®


    Learn more from the OK Corral flyer.

  • Showdown

    Features a relatively high yield ceiling in a grain-only production system, and it offers complete adaptation to a dual-purpose management system with good canopy closure at adequate seeding density, outstanding forage regeneration and grazing recovery (related to its more prostrate growth habit), and Hessian fly resistance. It will be marketed under the GrazenGrain® brand.  Test weight is in the Endurance range, and certainly not as high as Doublestop CL Plus. Disease resistance is broad and strong, with the possible exception of leaf rust when present before heading at the level observed in 2017. Adaptation is very wide, extending from the Rolling Plains of Texas to central Kansas, including the Oklahoma panhandle. Its parentage includes an OK Bullet sister and an AgriPro experimental line. GrazenGrain®


    Learn more from the Showdown flyer

  • Skydance

    Will be licensed as a premium-quality wheat variety for highly desirable dual functionality in bread and tortilla manufacturing.  Its kernel size is similar to Gallagher, and test weight is at least one pound higher than Gallagher.  Protein levels exceed Gallagher by about one-half point.  Skydance also has been found to tolerate suboptimal nitrogen availability and appears to be suited for certified organic production in its normal area of adaptation, which includes southwest and central OK, but extending, albeit at greater risk, into northern OK.  Its disease package is outstanding, lacking only in barley yellow dwarf resistance (moderately susceptible).  Skydance's parentage includes a Fannin sister and Billings. GoldnGrain®

  • Smith's Gold

    A solid dual-purpose variety, Smith’s Gold features excellent yield potential with strong greenbug and Hessian fly resistance as well as protection against stripe rust earlier in the spring and after flowering in the adult-plant stages. This variety’s parentage includes Gallagher, a popular variety also developed by OSU.


    Smith’s Gold will work well anywhere Gallagher thrives and demonstrates exceptional baking and milling qualities.


    Learn more from the Gallagher Smith's Gold flyer.

  • Stardust

    Stardust is the first hard white wheat variety released by OSU since OK Rising in 2008.


    This variety’s parentage includes OK Rising. Featuring an improved level of sprout tolerance with agronomic capabilities and yield potential comparable to some of OSU’s most popular hard red varieties, Stardust’s quality characteristics and lighter brancoat make it a strong and versatile choice for bread baking.


    Consumer preference is fueling the high and increasing demand for hard white wheat. Whole grain white bread is made from hard white wheat, which allows bakers to create a whole grain product without the red color or the slightly different taste. Millers also can extract more flour from the grain of hard white wheat, thereby increasing the efficiency of the milling process.


    Stardust will provide wheat producers in north central Oklahoma, in particular, the ability to produce hard white wheat locally and potentially capture more markets for Oklahoma wheat.

  • Strad CL Plus

    Doublestop CL Plus upgrade for straw strength, forage production, maturity.


    Learn more from the Strad CL Plus flyer.

  • Uncharted

    Significant breakthrough in Barley Yellow Dwarf protection; unexplainable leaf rust resistance.


    Learn more from the Uncharted  flyer.