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Ag Research

This category applies to a lot of our research. Microbiologists and animal and plant scientists are continuously developing new tools for managing the health of crops and livestock. Many departments are also developing the next generation of leaders for the ag industry, while OSU centers and institutes develop biosecurity measures and technology for the food and plant industries.

Agricultural Engineering 

Much of the research in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering directly ties into crop and soil science as well as preservation of natural resources through the development of environmentally friendly technologies related to crops, biofuels and water preservation. 
OSU ag engineers have created a new co-fermentation method that turns sugars into alcohols, organic acids and ketones without the environmental impact. Others have collaborated in an international network of researchers to monitor and document the signs and impacts of drought and to overcome water security issues.

Centers and Institutes

While both the Biobased Products and Energy Center and the Institute for Biosecurity and Microbial Forensics directly relate to environmental conservation and food security, much of how they benefit these areas is done through the development of technological tools and industrial processes.
Researchers with IBMF developed a collection device to capture fluid samples and are collaborating on a national project to develop more efficient diagnostic practices for plant pathogens. BioPEC fosters multidisciplinary collaborations to contribute to bioeconomy development with experts in genetics, conversion technologies, engineering and more.

In other research

OSU Ag Research continually strives for industry and technology development. Other areas, such as animal and plant sciences, are also developing new technologies and techniques to benefit the management practices of agricultural producers.
Some technologies developed by our researchers include the GreenSeeker, the Glance-N-Go app and tools for detecting plant pathogens. Another way OSU Ag Research helps advance the ag industry is by building its future leaders through fostering undergraduate and graduate student researchers.

Want to learn more?

Agricultural Engineering Research


Biobased Products and Energy Center